Promjena lozinke
Promjena lozinke
Lozinka za osnovni korisnički račun (IRB Webmail lozinka, lozinka AAI računa) se može promijeniti unutar IRB LDAP imenika:
Klikom na ikonu u gornjem desnom kutu: otvara se kartica prijave gdje se upisuju korisničko ime i lozinka za IRB Webmail.
Nakon toga se u gornjem lijevom kutu pojavljuju ove opcije: .
Klikom na ikonu "Lozinka", pojavljuje se opcija promjene lozinke gdje se prvo upisuje trenutačna lozinka, a potom dva puta nova lozinka koja će istog trenutka zamijeniti staru.
How to change your password (ENGLISH)
You can change the password for your AAI user account (for your IRB email and other services that use AAI login) on the following webpage:
1. If the webpage is in Croatian, you can change the language by clicking on an icon "Jezik" on the upper right part of the page. Select English in the popup window and click on "Promjeni jezik".
2. To login, click on "Login" icon in the upper right part of the page and enter your current username and password.
3. After you've logged in on the upper left part of the page, click on "Password" icon (not "Auto password" but "Password")
4. Then in the popup window, enter your "Current password", and after that two times your "New password"
5. Logout.
6. Login again to try your new password.